Car Dealership Giveaway Ideas

In an era where everyone is glued to the internet, it’s becoming increasingly challenging for car dealers to capture people’s attention through conventional means. The wild and exciting car dealership giveaway ideas of the past no longer cut it in our fast-paced, instant-gratification society.  

While the inflatable tube man on the side of the road may grab some eyeballs, it often falls short of conveying what truly sets your dealership apart from the competition. To stand out in the world of car sales, creativity is the key to unlocking excellent car dealership giveaway ideas.  

Creative Car Dealership Giveaway Ideas to Boost Car Sales  


Fear not, for all is not lost! Elevating your dealership’s visibility requires fresh ideas and creative car dealership giveaway ideas. With this winning combination, you can quickly capture the attention of potential customers.  

Here, we’ve meticulously assembled a list of ingenious car dealership giveaway ideas aimed at helping you sell more cars. These incentives can drive increased sales across various dealership departments, giving car dealers the competitive edge they need.  

We understand that trying something new comes with its fair share of challenges. However, the most significant benefit of exploring these innovative ideas lies in the valuable feedback you’ll receive from potential customers. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of what car buyers like and what doesn’t quite resonate with them. Armed with this newfound insight, you can continually refine your promotions to boost car sales successfully.  

Hot Ticket Raffle 


While it’s not the newest kid on the block, raffles are classic car dealership giveaway ideas that continue to shine in the world of dealerships. It’s a strategy rolling on the road alongside cars, and there’s a compelling reason for its longevity.  

What’s the secret? Well, it’s all about the excitement!  

Prospective customers are naturally drawn to the prospect of winning prizes, and the allure of securing a big-screen TV or the latest Apple gadget can work wonders for your sales approach. The gamified nature of a raffle is undeniably enticing to buyers, and if you throw in a red-hot, must-have item as the grand prize, you might just have the perfect recipe for a substantial boost in sales.  

Free Car Washes as a Lease Deal Bonus  

car showroom

Can you imagine getting a car lease with a bonus? It will definitely be a customer’s dream come true.  

In essence, when customers choose to lease a vehicle, they have certain expectations. They want a car that not only performs well but also looks fantastic. The new car smell and the experience of driving a pristine vehicle are what they seek. Now, here’s where your dealership can truly shine. Offer them ongoing car dealership giveaway ideas- free car washes throughout the entire duration of their lease.  

This customer-friendly offer is not just easy to implement, but it also goes a long way in building solid relationships with your existing clients. Moreover, the goodwill generated can extend beyond your current customers. They will likely recommend your dealership to their family and friends. It’s a cycle of customer satisfaction that can lead to repeat business, providing you with a winning strategy to sell more cars!  

Keyrings- Classic Car Dealership Giveaway Idea

Car Dealership Giveaway Ideas

Keyrings are tried-and-true car dealership giveaway ideas. Handing them out to customers who purchase a vehicle ensures that your brand receives constant exposure every time they drive. Moreover, these nifty keyrings continue to work their magic when passengers are on board or when keys are left on display.  

But keyrings aren’t limited to the conventional oval shape with a rubber placeholder. You have a wealth of options at your disposal.  

Regarding keychains, there’s a world of shapes and sizes to explore. Suppose you want to create a unique and tailored package for your dealership. In that case, some people can assist you in crafting a customized solution that perfectly aligns with your brand’s identity.  



Regardless of location, the sun can be relentless in wearing down a car’s dashboard. It then creates uncomfortable conditions if you can’t find a shaded spot to park. This is where car sunshades become invaluable car dealership giveaway ideas. It can be a gift that virtually everyone will eventually put to good use.  

One of the remarkable aspects of sunshades is the ability to customize them with your dealership’s logo and additional information on the exterior. This means that each time your customers use the sunshade, they transform their vehicle into a mobile billboard. It’s a practical and cost-effective way to keep your dealership’s name in the spotlight while solving an everyday problem for your customers.  

Custom Air Fresheners  

car event

Custom air fresheners are creative car dealership giveaway ideas. In 2018, over 250 million consumers in the United States reported using air freshener sprays and room deodorizers. Given the existing market for air fresheners, it’s a no-brainer to offer your customers something with your dealership’s name on it.  

When it comes to car air fresheners, the options are aplenty. You can select from sprays, auto phone mounts, traditional mirror hangers, vent fresheners, and diffusers.  

Air fresheners have a finite lifespan, a hidden benefit for your dealership. To keep customers returning, encourage them to return when their current air freshener wears out and offer to replace it at no cost. This presents an excellent opportunity to ask for referrals or introduce them to accessories they might not have purchased at their vehicle sale, thus ensuring a thriving relationship with your customers.  

Car Organizers  


Let’s face it: who couldn’t benefit from a trusty car organizer? We bet that the idea has crossed your mind at some point. Car organizers prove their worth as we routinely toss items in our vehicles with the “I’ll deal with that later” mentality. So why not tackle the chaos head-on and keep your car a little tidier with car dealership giveaway ideas?  

Custom car organizers come in various styles, catering to multiple facets of your vehicle. Whether you’re looking for a compact organizer for essential auto documents (perfect for the glove box) or a more extensive trunk organizer, you have options galore.  

These versatile items are a boon, especially for professionals who frequently shuttle their work essentials in their cars. Providing them with a solution to keep their belongings organized is a thoughtful gesture that can make their daily lives smoother.  

Roadside Assistance  

Car Dealership Giveaway Ideas

While we hope for the best, the reality is that vehicles, no matter how well-crafted, don’t last forever, and unexpected mishaps can occur. As a dealership committed to customer care, it’s prudent to equip your clients for such unforeseen disasters by offering them invaluable roadside assistance tools.  

Among the most thoughtful items you can provide is a set of jumper cables elegantly packaged with your dealership’s logo. Jumper cables are one of those essential items that everyone eventually needs, and wouldn’t it be a relief for your clients to associate you as the savior who came to their rescue when the need arose?  

Another indispensable option is a roadside safety kit. These car dealership giveaway ideas not only include jumper cables but also essential tools such as screwdrivers and a flashlight. This ensures that you’re well-prepared to get back on the road in case of a breakdown. It’s a gesture that goes beyond the sale of a vehicle, demonstrating your commitment to the well-being of your clients throughout their automotive journey.  

Gift Cards for Test Drives  

Car Dealership Giveaway Ideas

Test drives are like a sneak peek into potential car ownership, allowing buyers to experience a vehicle’s features firsthand. It’s a crucial step in the car-buying journey, but enticing customers to take that driver’s seat can be challenging.  

However, once they overcome that initial hurdle and hop behind the wheel, the chances of sealing the deal increase significantly. Offering incentives for test drives can be the catalyst that propels your customers to this pivotal point, with a well-prepared car salesperson ready to close the deal.  

The car dealership giveaway ideas aren’t solely about hefty discounts. One of the most enticing promotions gaining momentum is the gift card test drive offer. Dealers have discovered that online shoppers are more likely to convert to such an offer. This may include a $25 gas card, and promptly schedule a test drive appointment, often for the very same day. These deals are currently making waves in auto sales.  

Holiday Bonus Incentives at Your Car Dealership  

car event

Holidays bring prime opportunities for car dealerships to shine. Whether it’s Independence Day, Thanksgiving, or any other festive occasion, these are some of the finest moments for dealership promotions. Customers are on the lookout for exceptional deals and are open to exploring creative marketing ideas and special events.  

Take advantage of the holiday season by introducing unique bonus incentives for car sales. Consider offering extra discounts on new purchases. You can also provide free at-home delivery or even a free car giveaway! Holidays are the perfect opportunity to experiment with fresh deals and offers. This is since customers are always searching for a better bargain.  

And here’s the bonus – the festive cheer doesn’t have to be exclusively for customers. You can boost the motivation and productivity of your car sales team by providing modest commission increases to align with the holiday campaigns you’re running. With dealerships selling cars like hotcakes during the holidays, spreading some of that holiday spirit to your staff can be the key to selling more cars. It’s a win-win situation!  

Customer Appreciation Giveaways 

classic car

Customer acquisition costs can be a heavy burden. So, why not ease the load and focus on taking care of the valuable customers you already have? It’s a fact that not many dealerships are offering this car dealership giveaway ideas. This presents a unique opportunity that has the potential to boost your sales significantly.  

Regarding customer appreciation, directing your attention toward fixed ops is a strategic move. Your current customers may not be actively considering a new car purchase. Instead, you can enhance your service sales by providing them with perks like a complimentary car wash or a free tire rotation with their service appointment.  

Why do this? Well, it’s all about nurturing customer loyalty. When customers continually feel valued by your dealership, they’re more likely to return for future services. They will share positive word-of-mouth about your dealership, enhancing your reputation.  

Moreover, through subtle and clever service bay advertising, you can plant the seed in your customers’ minds about their satisfaction with their current vehicle. This might get them thinking about the possibility of a new vehicle. Just a little food for thought!  

Complimentary Rental Cars for Service Appointments  

Car Dealership Giveaway Ideas

In today’s fast-paced world, people lead hectic lives filled with commitments, from work to family and various errands. Spending hours waiting at a dealership during a car service is a luxury few can afford. A simple yet considerate gesture, such as offering a free rental car, can elevate the service experience from good to outstanding. Consider these as your car dealership giveaway ideas.

Furthermore, when you present a modern, well-maintained car as a rental option, it might ignite your customers’ curiosity and desire for that sleek new model. It’s almost like an impromptu test drive, offering a sneak peek into the delights of a potential upgrade. This innovative approach holds the potential to transform service customers into qualified leads. This opens up new avenues for your dealership to thrive. It’s a win-win scenario catering to customer satisfaction and business growth.  

Cash Bonus for Your Vehicle Trade-In  


Above all, customers crave the feeling of being genuinely valued. An exceptional method to demonstrate your unwavering commitment to customers is by valuing their trade-in at a level that surpasses the average value.  

You have the flexibility to boost the worth of their car by a set percentage or a specific dollar amount. Regardless of your chosen approach, it’s vital to ensure that customers are well-informed about the additional savings in their deals.  

Presenting them with a detailed printout after the sales process, showcasing all the savings they’ve accrued, comes highly recommended. This transparency enhances the overall experience and reinforces the value you place on your customers.  

Service Package Giveaways  


When driving success at your dealership, your service center takes the wheel. Anything you can do to enhance business in this domain will have the most substantial impact on your dealership. Surprisingly, selling cars isn’t the primary profit driver – it’s your service center that holds the key.  

One effective strategy to boost engagement is to offer customers entry into exclusive car dealership giveaway ideas. However, they qualify only by booking an appointment.  

This educates customers about the array of bundled services available at your dealership, showcasing your comprehensive offerings. Second, it entices customers to schedule appointments for reasons beyond routine vehicle maintenance, cultivating a more robust and ongoing relationship. This approach keeps your customers engaged. It also highlights the valuable services your dealership provides, ultimately driving business growth.  


Car Dealership Giveaway Ideas

Once you’ve put your great incentives into action, the next step is assessing their impact on your bottom line. In this era of data-driven decision-making, surveys have become an increasingly vital tool for the success of your marketing endeavors.  

Understanding whether the promotion was pivotal in driving customers to visit your dealership and purchase is paramount. If you discover it didn’t significantly influence most customers, the critical next step is unraveling the ‘why’ behind this outcome.  

Your customers’ candid feedback serves as the ultimate compass for plotting the course of your next car dealership giveaway ideas. Given that customer preferences can fluctuate based on their location and the brand you offer, it’s crucial to tailor your future incentives to their evolving desires. Listen to your customers and align your promotions accordingly. This way, you ensure your dealership remains a vibrant and competitive force in the ever-evolving automotive landscape. 

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